Energy For Business
By Rinat Grinberg
Energy For Business
By Rinat Grinberg
Energy For Business
By Rinat Grinberg
There is a Better Way to communicate
Building and presenting presentations in English
Many managers and employees find the experience of standing in front of an audience
unpleasant and stressful and try to avoid it at all costs.
This uncomfortable feeling doubles when the presentation is delivered in English.
How do I prepare myself?
How do I sound in English?
Do I understand audiences of a different culture?
Is my audience attentive and interested?
Did the message come across?
There are many stages in building an effective presentation. Each stage requires knowledge,
experience and skills that not all employees necessarily have.
There are many parameters which have to be taken into account when planning,
formulating and finally presenting.
The process is not as easy as some employees may think.
When given the stage to sell, convince, present, demonstrate or teach, we want to be sure
that the presentation is as effective as it can be and that our goal is reached.
Seminar topics:
Vocabulary for presentations
Opening, body and closing of the presentation
Stages of preparation
Dealing with questions
Defining the message
Maintaining audience's interest
Proper use of tone and body language
Common mistakes in presentations
Presentations to people from other cultures